Monday, October 8, 2012


1. Commit yourself to growth (Be Growth-
oriented). The more you grow, the better you become.

2. Work on your negative traits. Are there any traits you dislike about yourself? Some traits which I
didn’t like about myself in the past include being
self-centered, arrogance, selfishness, critical,
harshness, hardness, etc. Identify them, then work
on them one at a go. It can be challenging to try to
overhaul your character at one go. On the other hand, if you work on addressing 1 negative trait at
a time, it’s a lot more manageable and achievable.

 3. Identify your ideal persona . What’s your ideal self like? Picture him/her in your mind, then write down
all the traits of your ideal persona. Then, start living
true to your ideal self.

 4. Find a role model. Having a role model gives us a concrete image of who we want to become. I see
role models in people like Ellen Degeneres (for her
genuineness and compassion toward others), Tyra
Banks (for not being afraid to stand up for what
she believes in, and inspiring women to do the
same), Ivanka Trump (for her beauty, intellect and grace – representing the modern day woman),
Oprah (for being a power mover in the world of
self-help), among others. Who is/are your role
model(s), and what do you like about them? 

5. Be a role model. The best way to be a better person is to be a role model to others. How can you
be an inspirational guide to others? Live by
example. In being a role model, remember it’s not
about making yourself into someone you’re not

 6. Be a better child to your parents. You only have 2 parents in your life, so appreciate the time you have
with them. If your relationship with your parents is
non-ideal, it doesn’t mean that everything ends
here. I used to have a very poor relationship with
my parents, until I achieved resolution recently. 

 7. Be a better friend to your friends. I used to be disappointed at how some of my friends aren’t
always there for me when I need them, then I
realized that I should think about how I can be a better friend to my friends first before making such expectations of others. Likewise for you, think:
How can you be a better friend to your friends?

8. Be a better sibling, if you have siblings . I’ve several friends who are the only-child, and they
frequently talk about how they wish they had a
brother or sister. If you’re lucky enough to have
brother(s) and sister(s), treasure them. Spend more
time with them; Show them care and concern; Look
out for them if you need to. 

9. Be a better partner, if you’re attached. If you’ve a girlfriend/wife or boyfriend/husband, think
about how you can be a better partner to him/her.
When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to make
demands and expectations about what your
partner should do/be, but it’s difficult to take
ownership for the things we aren’t doing/being ourselves. Commit yourself to being a better
partner, and release your expectations of your
partner. Both of you will be happier that way.

 10. Be a better parent, if you have children . Many parents have told me that having a child one of the
most amazing things that has ever happened to
them. If you have a child(ren), think about how
you can be a better parent, without impeding on
the child’s growth. Raising a child can be
challenging especially as he/she enters adolescence years, but that’s also part of the joy of
being a parent. 

11. Be a better employee in your company (if you work for someone). Often times, I hear people
complain about how their companies are not giving
them enough benefits/wages/support/etc. While
this may be true, think about how you can be a
better employee instead. Check if there’s anything
more you can do for your manager. See if there are any new projects you can take on. See how you
can improve your current performance. 

12. Be a better manager/leader (if you’re managing others). Many people leave their jobs because
they’re unhappy with their managers. How well
you manage your employees can dramatically
affect their motivation levels and their performance.
Put their needs before yours and bring the best out
of them. 

13. Be a better member of your community . What communities are you a part of? Say, interest
groups? Recreational clubs? How can you be a
more active part of the communities? 

14. Be a better human to others. How can you treat the fellow humans around you better? Start treating
them this way.

 15. Be a better being in this world. How can you make the world a better place? Start doing that

16. Be Able. Equip yourself with skills. Your skills are like the tools in your toolbox. The more skills you
have, the more able you become. Learn something new. There are always new things to learn, no matter how much you already
know. The more you learn, the better you become.
Read: Skills Development Hone your current skills . With your current skills, strengthen them. You can never be too good at a
skill – there’s always room to improve. Even the
best people in their fields, such as Tiger Woods
(Golf), Michael Jordan (Basketball), Beethoven
(Pianist) never stopped honing their craft.

17. Be Accepting of differences – be it different people, different thinking, different lifestyles,
different cultures. For they add variety and color
into our lives. If everyone is the same, life will be
bland – monotonous, even. 

18. Be Adaptable / Flexible / Versatile . Have your goals and plans, but be able to change them
accordingly when the situation calls for it. Rigidity is
a sign of weakness, while adaptability makes you
so much more powerful.

 19. Be Adventurous. Step out of your comfort zone. Are you sticking to the same routines and hiding behind a safety net?
Step out and do something you’ve never done
before. It’ll broaden your mind and make you a
better person. 

20. Be Altruistic. Always have the best intentions for others . Go for the highest good in everything you do, every
decision you make, every path you take, every
thought you have. Volunteer (for a cause you believe in) . Not everything has to be measured in money. At PE, I
spend hours every day writing the best content
and giving it away for free, without asking
anything back in return from the readers. With
volunteer work, you may be giving your labor for
free, but this is time spent in good stead. Don’t underestimate the kind of difference you can make
in others’ lives with just a few hours of work. Save the environment . Our world is being wasted away, day after day, with the harm the society at
large is inflicting on it. What can you do to protect
our home?

 21. Be Assertive. Stand up for your rights and things you believe in. 

22. Be Attentive. When someone is talking, give him/ her your full attention. Don’t busy yourself with
something else; that’s just rude and inconsiderate. 

23. Be Bold. Life is an adventure – don’t live it in fear. Boldly pursue your dreams. Boldly act on your
instincts. Boldly create the life you’ve always

 24. Be Candid. Be frank, be outspoken, be earnest. Say what’s on your mind – Don’t feel the need to censor
your words because you’re afraid of what others
think. Be true to yourself. 

25. Be Caring. Show concern. There’s no need to wait for a cry for help before showing your care and concern. You
can do it right away, right now, to those around
you. Even if there’s nothing wrong, it’ll warm the
hearts of others to know that you cared. Call your friends. Are there any friends you’ve not contacted for a while? Call them today and check
on how they’re doing. They may not show it, but
they’ll be happy that you called – because it
showed you cared. 

26. Be Coachable. There’s always something we can learn from everyone, no matter his/her age,
background or area of expertise. Don’t close off on
opportunities to learn just because you think you
know enough. Open your mind and let every
encounter be a learning lesson. The moment you
close yourself off is the point where you stop learning. Find a mentor. A mentor guides you to become greater than you can be by yourself. You should
only get a mentor if (a) the person has something
to teach you (b) your personalities gel with each

27. Be Committed… to your goals and dreams. If you’ve set a goal, go all out and achieve it. If you’ve
laid down a plan, stick to it all through the way.
Don’t waver, for that’s not in you to do so. 

28. Be Compassionate / Kind. Always look out for opportunities where you can help others. Don’t get
caught up in your own space – instead, look
outwards and see if there’s anything you can do for
others. Even the simplest things, like helping
someone carry his/her belongings, is very much
appreciated by others. 

29. Be Confident… in who you are and what you do. There’s no reason not to be. Read: How To Be The Most Confident Person in the World.

30. Be Conscientious / Meticulous. Are you attentive to everything you do? Such a quality is rare, but so
precious. Conscientious people put their heart and
soul to what they do; consequently they do a
complete and thorough job in whatever they do.
You’ll naturally be a valuable asset to whichever
organization or team you’re a part of. 

31. Be Considerate / Thoughtful. Make a habit to consider others in your decisions and actions, for
they affect other people. Make sure no one is
negatively affected before you proceed with your
plans. Practice the Golden Rule. It’s the ethic of reciprocity, which states “One should treat others as
one would like others to treat oneself”. How do you
want others to treat you? Shower others with this
behavior, and you’ll attract more of the same. Practice the Silver Rule. Related to the Golden Rule, it states “Do not do unto others what you
would not have them do unto you”. It’s to make up
for the shortcomings of the Golden Rule. How do
you not want others to treat you? Make sure you
don’t do this to others. 

32. Be Cooperative. Don’t be insular and seclusive. Be willing to work with others if they need your help.
We do not exist in this world alone; Life is possible
because we have each other. 

33. Be Courteous. Practice good etiquette. Always remember your “hi”s, “bye”s, “thank you”s and

34. Be Courageous / Overcome Fear. Is there anything you’re scared of? Don’t be. Fear is mental
– It’s only what you perceive it to be. If you
challenge that which you’re afraid of, you’ll realize
there’s nothing to be scared of at all, because there
is nothing to lose – We entered this world with
nothing but our consciousness, we’ll leave the world with the same consciousness.

35. Be Curious. Have an insatiable thirst for knowledge . So you’ll always be learning new things. Ask questions – often. The more questions you ask, the more information you can uncover. Get feedback from others. Feedback is one of the fastest ways to identify areas of improvement, since
others can see our blind spots. 

36. Be Dependable. Be there for others when they need you. Always check if there’s anything you can
do for your friends. If they call you, make time out
for them. If they email you, take the time to
respond. You never know when it’s someone in
pain and reaching out for help.

37. Be Discerning. Don’t blindly accept everything you hear or read; Always evaluate what you’re given
with a discerning mind. This doesn’t mean you
become skeptical; but rather you exercise your
judgment appropriately. 

38. Be Emotionally Generous. Emotional stinginess means to be stingy with your emotions, while
emotional generosity is to be generous. So, an
emotionally stingy person is typically negative, unhappy, critical, judging, imposing; while an emotionally generous person is positive, happy,
encouraging, supportive, etc. Be as giving with
your emotions as possible. Encourage others. Be
positive. Share happiness. Read: Are You Emotionally Generous? Image © Compliment others (with genuine intent). Part of emotional generosity is to be generous with
compliments (that’s genuine and not fake). Get into
the habit of giving compliments. When you meet
someone and if you recognize something nice
about him/her, let him/her know. You’ll make his/
her day. 

39. Be Empathetic. Empathy is the key to successful relationships. Learn to see things from others’
perspective. It’ll let you understand people better,
resolve conflicts, and develop meaningful

40. Be Encouraging. No one likes a wet blanket. Be encouraging when your friends share their
problems with you. Be supportive when they tell
you about their goals.

 41. Be Enthusiastic. Life is too beautiful to live dread and boredom. Embrace every day with joy and
love. Start every day on a fresh new start! Approach
every situation with excitement! And bring this
energy to everything you do and everyone you meet.

 42. Aim for Excellence. Take on more than you can handle . If you’re managing your responsibilities fine at the moment,
challenge yourself by taking on more. If you’re
always doing the same things, you’ll never develop
anything. You’ll no sooner atrophy in your growth.
Take on more work. Push your boundaries. Stretch
yourself. This way you increase your capacity. Expect nothing less than the best. Hold yourself to the highest standard in whatever you do. Always
aim for the highest goals, the best results, the
grandest vision. Live your life to the fullest . Because why should you settle for a life that’s anything less?

43. Be Fair. Don’t bad mouth other people. Don’t speak ill of people behind their back, because it’s unfair to
them and doesn’t give them a chance to defend
themselves. Let the person know if you don’t like
something he/she did, or otherwise make peace
with it within yourself. Don’t discriminate. Give equal treatment to everyone, regardless of race, language, religion,
nationality, gender, age, social status, financial
status. Don’t judge. Don’t make conclusions about others’ character of their life based on 1-2 things you see
about them. Always give others the benefit of the
doubt. Uphold justice. If you see unfairness being exacted, step in to right the wrong. This includes
intervening when someone is being bullied, or
standing up for someone when he/she is being
unfairly judged. 

44. Have Faith. Don’t put too much pressure on an event or a person to give you the results you seek.
Do your best within your capacity, and have faith
that everything will fall into place. 

45. Be Filial. Our parents have dedicated half of their lives to having us and raising us. Now that we’re
grown up, it’s our turn to repay them for the life
they have given us. If your relationship with your
parents is not the ideal state you envision. 

46. Be a Follower. Aristotle said it best with this quote: ”He who cannot be a good follower cannot
be a good leader.” Are you a good follower? Are
you able to take directions from others? Are you
willing to take directions from others? Before you
think about becoming a leader.

47. Be Forgiving. Let go of your anger. Is there anything or anyone you’re angry with? Perhaps it’s time to give it/him/
her and let things go. Bury the hatchet with someone. Beyond embracing forgiveness inside you, reach out to the
person you had grievances with in the past. This is
not going to be easy, but it’ll bring you a huge step
forward in your growth. When I was younger, I
had some conflicts with schoolmates here and
there, due to misunderstandings. 

 48. Be Friendly / Approachable . We are all humans, here to connect with one another. If you see
someone you don’t know, take the first step to
know him/her. With people you know, keep
yourself accessible so they can approach you
whenever they need help.

 49. Be Generous. Find joy in giving. Remember life is not a zero sum game. By giving, you get to gain
even more. By giving, you open the channel to
receive new things in life. When people experience
the beauty of giving, they’d want to give back too,
so what goes around, comes around. Share the good things in your life. What are you happy for? What do you have that others don’t
have? What are you proud of? Don’t keep them to
yourself – Share them with others. Happiness isn’t a
zero sum equation. Donate. Get in the habit of donating things you don’t need anymore. For example, old clothes,
textbooks, books, toys, and the like. All my
unwanted clothes are always donated to others.
Sometimes I take the nice, unworn pieces and give
them to my friends who can better appreciate them. 

50. Be Gentle. Our society has brought out a very “hard” side in all of us – one where we’re abrasive,
one where we’re hard, one where we’re
demanding. Bring out the gentle side in you for a
change. It’ll make you a warmer person to be

51. Be Grateful. For the good things you have, because not everyone gets to have them. For the
bad things you have as well, because they
strengthen your character and make you
appreciate everything so much more. I think a lot of times, we take our friends for granted. We forget
about what they’ve done for us and are doing for
us, as well as the value of our connection. Write a
thank you letter/note/email to a friend and let him/
her know how much you appreciate him/her. He/
she will be very happy to receive your letter. 

52. Be Hardworking / Diligent. Without hard work, we can’t wish to get far in life. I’ve seen people who
like to take the easy way out, and this is not what I
promote at PE. There are no “quick tips” or “hacks”
that will give you instantaneous results – at the end,
it boils down to sheer, hard work. 

53. Be Helpful. Offer your help even if people don’t ask for it. There’s always something you can do for

54. Be Honest. To lie is to shrink into a lesser self; To tell the truth would be take a step up in your
growth. (Unless there’s a higher value at stake,
such as protecting someone’s well-being.) One of
my values is truth – To discover the truth via
personal experience and constantly challenging
what’s around me, and to be truthful in everything I do and say. I don’t achieve this 100% of the time,
but I do my best to uphold it every moment of the

55. Be Humble. People who are arrogant tend to suffer from an inferiority complex, which is why they feel
the need to parade their accomplishments. Learn to
be humble. There’s no need to talk about what
you’ve achieved – if they’re really good, the results
will speak for themselves.

 56. Be Independent. Learn to manage your life. Learn to tackle your problems by yourself, without
imposing on others. Feel free to approach others if
you need help, but you should never expect them
to solve your problems for you. 

57. Be Individualistic. Always be you – don’t try to be anyone else. Read: Finding Your Inner Self 

58.  Have Integrity . Set your moral and ethical principles and stick to them. Never compromise on
them no matter what. 

59. Be Intuitive. Follow your gut instinct. Let your intuition guide you. You’ll never go wrong with it.
The more you follow your gut, the stronger your
connection with your intuition will be. 

60. Be a Leader. A leader is someone who is able to bring the best out of others, who is able to inspire
others to be bigger than who they are, who is able
to energize people into action, who is able to lead a
way with a common vision. Contrary to what many
think, leadership doesn’t begin when you lead a
group of people; it begins in our everyday life, with how we conduct ourselves and how we live our

61. Be a Listener. The ability to listen is quite underrated in our society today. Many people are
good at talking, but not listening. For today, make a
point to listen to what others around you are
saying. Ask questions. Clarify their answers. You
may discover new things you didn’t know before. .

 62. Embrace Love. Be a beacon of love. Start by loving everyone around you. Show love to your friends,
family, partner, colleagues, bosses, clients, teachers,
etc – whether explicitly or implicitly. Love unconditionally . The highest form of love is unconditional love, where you love others without
expecting anything in return.

 63. Be Loyal / Faithful . To the people that you care for, to the values that you stand for, to the things
that you believe in. In the article Discover Your
Values in Personal Excellence Book (Volume 1), I share in detail about values: the importance of
values, my values and how you can create your

 64. Be Kind. Don’t criticize. It’s easy to pinpoint faults in others, but really, it’s not in our place to do so. Not only
that, it doesn’t make others feel good about

 65. Be Magnanimous. For every thing that people do you wrong, be ready to forgive and forget. Accept criticism. If someone offers criticism, accept it. Accepting isn’t the same as agreeing. You don’t
have to agree with the criticism, but at least give
yourself the opportunity to consider it. Every
criticism is an opportunity to improve, to become
better. Read: 8 Helpful Ways To Deal With Critical People Ignore malicious attacks. If someone flames you, take the higher route – ignore the person. You can
defend yourself on areas where your values are infringed, but overall, keep a hands-off approach.
It’s not worth it to engage in such discussions,
because the flamer will only keep attacking, with
no desire to achieve a resolution.

 66. Be Meditative. Those who meditate will know that meditation cultivates an inner peace within you. It
makes you calmer and connects you with your inner self.

 67. Be Merciful. Instead of punishment, think forgiveness. Forceful actions – Pain, suffering,
death, etc don’t bring closure to issues. 

68. Be Moral. Do what’s right over what’s wrong. The question of “what’s right” can be subjective
depending on your upbringing, but universal
values include equality of humans, gender equality,
freedom of speech, freedom of choice, etc. Go the non-cruel path. I commit myself to a vegan lifestyle because I didn’t want to harm animals.
While you don’t have to turn vegetarian/vegan for
this purpose, think about how you can follow a
lifestyle that inflicts less pain to other living beings. 

69. Be Mindful / Present. Don’t live in the past or future, but focus on the present moment. For this is
where you’re living at now. Meditating helps you to be present . 

70. Be Nurturing. There’s always ability in everyone. How can you nurture it out of each person? Recognize the strengths in others. Our society today has eased into a state where we keep
looking at what we lack or don’t have, as opposed
to what we already have. The former is a scarcity
mindset, while the latter is one of abundance.
Rather than think about what’s missing in someone
(be in character trait, knowledge, ability, etc), focus on his/her strengths. What does she/he have?
What is he/she good at? What do you like about
him/her? Focus on these vs. what you don’t like. 

71. Be Open-Minded. Be ready to accept different beliefs, attitudes, personalities, cultures, practices,
rituals, lifestyles, habits, races, nationalities, diets,
etc, for everyone is different. No one thing is right;
it’s just a matter of what works best for the

72. Be Optimistic / Positive . For life is too short to be negative. Don’t complain. Complaining generates all this negative energy that makes you no different than
an energy vampire. While it’s okay to vent every once in a while, be conscious of the times when
you do that. Cut down on the time you spend
complaining and think about what you can do
about the situation instead. Smile. How often do you smile a day? Smiling is something we don’t do enough. Whether you’re
out on the streets or at work, it’s more common to
see people with stoic expressions and hard frowns
than smiles. The next time you see someone, even
a stranger, smile at him/her. You’ll be surprised
how many people will return the smile. Even if they don’t, trust that they have been warmed by your
smile. Laugh. As they say, laughter is the best medicine. Learn to laugh at the jokes people make, at the
obstacles you’re facing, at the mistakes you’re
making, and at the mystery that is life. 

73. Be Organized. The state of your life now reflects how organized you are. If everything is constantly
in a mess, it suggests you’re probably disorganized
in how you manage yourself. In being organized,
you create structure, stability and predictability –
which frees up your resources to pursue new
goals. Creating a life handbookwill help to organize your life. 

74. Be Patient. Do you get edgy when something/ someone is late? Time is fluid; it’s a construct created to help us organize our schedules. Learn to
be present and live in the moment instead.
Impatience breeds anxiety; Patience brings

75. Be Peaceful. Where you have a choice, go for peace over violence. The latter solves nothing, but
creates more pain. The former is the start to a
healing journey. 

76. Be Persistent. No matter what you do, never give up. You will achieve whatever you set out to do, as
long as you have the will to do it. My story of how I pursued my passion and turned it into a successful business is an example of that. The only time when
giving up is the way to go when your priorities
change and you realize the goal you were pursuing
isn’t what you want anymore. Read: Quitting to Win 

77. Be Prudent. Be bold and daring, but at the same time exercise caution. A touch of practicality never
hurt anyone; it helps you to be more ready for
what’s ahead.

 78. Be Purposeful. Pursue a cause that’s higher and larger than you. When you do that, you’ll naturally
grow into someone who’s bigger than who you
are today. Pursuing my purpose to help others
grow has made me embark on journeys and make decisions which I wouldn’t have pursued if I was just living my life for myself. Read: Discover Your Life Purpose in 30 Minutes.

79. Be Reasonable. Know your rights, but don’t overstep your boundaries. Act within good reason
– You’ll be the best judge to that.

 80. Be Repentant. Has there been anything you did that you’re not too proud of? Repent and process it;
don’t leave it inside your system, because it’s like
rotting flesh – it’ll create an invisible stench and
affect you subconsciously in your daily actions.
Read: Be a Better Me in 30 Days Program, Day 24: Right a Past Wrong 

 81. Be Resilient / Be Strong. Are you facing any obstacles that are making you waver in your goals?
You have the strength inside you to do whatever
you want – you just have to draw from it. Read: How To Start When You Have Nothing 

82. Be Respectful. Treat everyone with utmost respect, because every living being deserves that. 

83. Take Responsibility. Live up to your responsibilities. What responsibilities do you have? Are you living up to
all your responsibilities? Shrinking away from your
tasks is an act of avoidance. Stepping up to them
makes you a better person. Don’t self-victimize. It’s easy to say “Why me?” when bad things happen. But it does nothing to
build your character – in fact it makes you weaker
over time, because you’re not taking ownership for
your problems. Believe it or not, everyone faces
these problems too – it’s not exclusive to you.
Rather than wallow in self-pity, accept your problems as part and parcel of life and address
them. The more responsible you are, the more
control you have over your life.

84. Be Self-Loving. Be Kind to yourself. Do you often beat yourself up? Stop doing that. You, above all else, deserve
kindness and respect from yourself. Love yourself . For when you love yourself, you will automatically start loving others too.

 85. Be Self-Reflective. I make a habit to reflect on everything that happens to me, because that’s
when I can draw lessons on what I can do better in
the future. Self-reflection can take place via a
private journal, an online diary, or conversations
with others. Asking yourself the right questions is
paramount in the self-reflection process. Read: 101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself .

86. Be Sensitive… to others’ needs and feelings. Always check to make sure you’re not neglecting
anyone. Don’t Impose. Imposing means to force your opinion on others. It’s okay to offer your opinion,
but if others are not taking it, then there’s no need
to repeat it over and over again. Keep it to yourself. Don’t give unwanted advice . One biggest problems people face in relationships is when the
other party tries to dispense advice that’s not
needed. Many times, people converse as a way of
sharing. Check if the other party is looking for
advice first before you try to offer your 2 cents. It
may help prevent unnecessary conflicts. 

87. Dedicate yourself to Service. It’s said that service to others is the highest thing one can ever do in life.
Think about how you can contribute to others and
to this world. And dedicate yourself to it. 

88. Be Sharp. Develop your observation skills. Sharp people are always the first to catch on to
something; because of that they’re ahead of
everyone else in their thinking too. 

89. Be Sincere / Genuine. Speak from the heart, always. Don’t say something unless you mean it.
One of my core values is authenticity – I only say
things that I mean, and never say things if I don’t
believe in them. 

90. Be Spontaneous. Be uninhibited! Allow yourself to act freely, without restrictions. Not everything has
to adhere to a plan all the time. Allow yourself to just go with the flow. 

91. Be Sympathetic. If others are sharing their problems with you, be sympathetic. Don’t jab in
with insensitive remarks. Don’t dismiss their
feelings and thoughts. Get yourself into the same
state as them and express your sympathy, so they
know they’re not alone in the situation.

 92. Be Tactful. There’s no need to be rude or abrasive. Be polite to your fellow humans – everyone has
feelings, even if sometimes it may not seem that

 93. Be a Teacher. You don’t have to be a formal teacher in name – The very act of sharing
knowledge to someone is already teaching in itself.
By teaching others, we become better. What are
things you’re good in? Share the knowledge with
other people. Start by doing it informally, and soon
formally teaching others will be second-nature to you. 

94. Be Trusting. Always give others the benefit of the doubt. No matter what you think, the baseline
intention of people is always good. No one
deliberately does something to harm others. When
they do, it usually comes from a place of lack, but
not out of sheer malicious intent. 

95. Be Trustworthy. Always honor your commitments and uphold your promises. If you make an
agreement with someone, be sure to stick through
to it. 

96. Be Unattached. For all things are transient in life. This doesn’t mean you become jaded and an
emotionless being. What this means is you relish in
every moment of your life, every situation you’re in,
every person you’re with, as it is, without clinging
on to it when it has passed. For we live in the
present, not the past or future. 

97. Be Understanding. Learn to comprehend things from others’ perspective. A common understanding
is needed for relationships to be build on.

 98. Be Vigilant. While the world is a safe place by and large, keep a watch out for possible dangers,
especially when you’re in a foreign place. Keep a
look out for suspicious people. Stay clear of
potentially dangerous spots. It’s better to be safe
than sorry. 

99. Be Visionary . Set the highest goals and the biggest dreams you can imagine. Then set off and bring
your vision to life. . 

100. Be Wise. Being wise means “having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true
or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or
discretion”. Practice good judgment by exposing
yourself to different contexts; considering different
perspectives; gathering as much information as you
can; weighing out different possibilities. The more experience you gain, the more you learn, and the
wiser you’ll become.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

funny stuffs

A guy walked into a chemist, reached into his pocket, took out a small bottle and a teaspoon, poured some liquid into the teaspoon, offered it to the chemist man and said; could you please taste this?. The chemist man took the teaspoon, put it in his mouth and swallowed it. The guy asked; Does it taste sweet?. The chemist man replied; No!. The guy said; "Good". The Doctor told me to come here and get my urine tasted for sugar.

Funny stuffs

A wealthy man who had only one daughter. When the daughter was of marriage age, the father sent news around town that all the eligible young men should come to compete in a test which would determine who was fit to marry his daughter. On that set day, all the able-bodied young men came out. Some came with paper and biro and others with cutlasses and swords. The rich man took them to his swimming pool and addressed the men: “ Any of you who can swim from one end of this swimming pool to the other would marry my daughter. In addition, I‘ll give him $15, a car and a house so they can start life well. I shall be waiting to meet my son-in-law at the other side. Good luck!” As the young men, allvery excited at the prospect of winning, started taking off their shirts, a helicopter came over the pool and dropped snakes and crocodiles into the pool. Immediately all the men turned back and started wearing their shirts again. Disappointed, some of them said let d man marry daughter,i can't enjoy d prize wen i die o...All of a sudden, they heard a splash in the pool. Everybody watched in amazementas one gentleman struggled his way across, avoiding the snakes and crocodiles. Finally, he made it to the other side. The rich man could not believe it. He asked the young man to name anything he wanted but the man was still panting uncontrollably. Finally, he got himself and made a request saying ” pls someone should show me the idiot that pushed me inside this pool”..lolz....
Moral: You don’t know what you are capable of doing, until you arePUSHED!!. You can still make the most out of the rest of the YEAR=

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I do w0nder if the destinati0n of the j0urney 2
motherhood of s0me ladies makes them 2 f0rget the r0ute of which
the j0urney began!
What d0 I mean? I have seen many married ladies here with the
complaint that their husbands is cheating on them despite having
one or tw0 kid(s) f0r him!
S0me c0mplain of their husbands n0t spending time with them at
h0me or taking them out, s0me that their marriage is still fresh but
their husband are n0 l0nger sh0wing the l0ve he pr0mised them!
Now lets go d0wn t0 business, I believe that bef0re b0th of y0u g0t
married s0mething in y0u attracted him by dating y0u and also
motivated him in getting married t0 y0u but unf0rtunately y0u
all0wed that weap0n of l0ve y0u had on him t0 die! Ok, when you
both were still dating, y0u were fixin and keeping your nails so clean
and attractive, y0u changes y0ur haird0 and even have a style
which he cherishes s0 much that whenever he sees it on y0u, 0h
God, he can't resist y0u, y0u wear a nice perfume that he feels like
eating y0u up whenever he is ar0und y0u, y0u do sents him lovely
text msgs every night bef0re he g0es t0 bed which made him to
find y0u irresistable and ended up making y0u his wife because he
believes it will c0ntinue like that as l0ng as y0u b0th are together! But
immediately after marriage y0u all0wed these things to die in y0u,
so tell me, why w0n't he cheat on y0u by g0ing after those girls that
still p0ssess these things!
Husbands cheat on their wieves because they are n0 l0nger the
person they use to be bef0re they g0t married!
How can he n0t cheat 0n y0u when y0u have bec0me a liability to
him that he even feels ashame t0 bring his friends/ c0lleagues
T0 make y0ur marriage a heaven made 0n earth y0u have to play
your part as a g00d wife and n0t leaving everytin to him al0ne (a
tree cann0t make a f0rest) be that l0vely, seductive, attractive, hard-
working and caring girlfriend he use t0 kn0w bef0re!
*Its alarming h0w s0me ladies after getting married and having 0ne
or tw0 kid(s), they turn themselves int0 0ld grannys! They leave
their hair unkept like a w0man wh0se husband died, ties wrapper
from m0rning till night, leaves their breast with n0 bra, leaves their
nails unkept and w0rst still, breast-feed their babies all day with0ut
taking a single bath and sleeps afterwards! Tell me why would your
husband spends time with y0u or why w0n't he cheat on you by
having an affair outside since y0u have made y0urself unattractive
t0 him! These are ladies wh0 husbands takes their secretary t0
dinner parties instead of them!
*Its als0 the fault of a lady wh0 lays 0n a bed like a gh0st in the
m0rning and f0rg0t that her husband will eat bef0re g0ing t0 w0rk!
C'm0n, take y0ur ass outta that bed and go fix s0mething f0r
breakfast f0r him, 0nce y0ur husband is up preparing himself f0r
w0rk, y0u have to be awake also and even help him in dressing up,
if he d0esn't like eating bef0re g0ing to w0rk, just prepare him a cup
of h0t tea or c0ffee!
*If y0u are n0t a w0rking class lady, beg him t0 set up a lucrative
business f0r y0u s0 that y0u can be supp0rt t00, d0n't just stay at
h0me to eat and sleep because the result might be 0besity and a l0t
of men hates such!
*If y0u have a maid/h0use help, d0n't turn her int0 y0ur husband's
sec0nd wife by all0wing her do all y0ur husband's meal, men are
easily turn off by the attitude of such ladies because it 0nly sh0w
h0w lazy y0u are!
*D0 remember h0w y0u sends him r0mantic text msgs when y0u
b0th were still dating! S0, whenever he is out t0 w0rk, just send him
one or two l0ve msgs telling him h0w much he means t0 y0u and
make sure it c0mes fr0m the depth of y0ur heart!
*D0n't be a nagging wife, always appreciate him, dress in a way he
can't resist y0u, keep the h0use clean, play with him, always make
his f00d ready bef0re he c0mes back fr0m w0rk and also do
welc0me his family with open arms!
*S0me ladies immediately after marriage they call their husband by
their names or the name of any of their kids! Oh N0, its n0t so! Thats
n0t romantic, he is still the guy y0u dated so c0ntinue with the pet
*D0n't compare y0ur husband with other men, be c0ntented with
what he has g0t and d0n't wish 2 be Mrs J0hn c0s her husband g0t
her a new car, be y0urself!
*Ladies, once in a while take y0ur husband and kid(s) out! D0n't wait
untill he d0es that, like saturdays take them out to a l0vely and quiet
place and have fun! Y0u can even drive the car y0urself, let him be
your wife that day while y0u being the husband! Make it more
romantic! Spend y0ur m0ney on y0ur husband !
Make all these and m0re y0ur weap0n of love and y0ur husband
will never think of cheating on y0u! *Ladies make y0urselves
Presentable s0 that y0u can be Ad0rable in the eyes of y0ur